message of month


“Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them. His mother treasured all these things in her heart”.

A mother who cherished everything in her heart and reflected deeply on it invites our curiosity. In essence, this mirrors the Christian life this mother embodies the essence of Christian life, which is about embracing Christ daily—symbolized by receiving Holy Communion. As Jesus said, "Unless you eat My flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you."

The Word of God is meant to be embraced in both heart and mind. In the story of the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13 ff), the disciples first received the Word, and then the Body (the Bread). This shows that only the Word of God has the power to open our eyes, hearts, and minds. Mary was unique she earnestly sought after God. In the Jewish community, she was simply an ordinary girl with no notable qualifications. What set her apart was her deep meditation in the synagogue. Everything Jesus did was a marvel to her, yet she kept it all secret in her heart. Mary was deeply devoted and dedicated to meditating on the Word of God, and it was her pure life that led to the Holy Spirit coming upon her.

When the Angel Gabriel announced the birth of her child, Mary believed and accepted it, and miracles followed—Christ was born. Similarly, for Christ to be born in us, we must first accept the Word of God. As stated in Luke 1:45, "Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord." Mary was special because she accepted and believed everything the Lord said to her.

  • Mary was a virgin- If Jesus had other brothers or sisters, He would not have entrusted His mother to John. According to Jewish law, siblings were responsible for caring for their parents. By placing Mary in John's care, Jesus demonstrated that He had no siblings to take on this duty.
  • Mary is called the Heavenly Queen because of her unique role and status. Jesus identified Himself as the Son of David, and on Palm Sunday, the crowds shouted "Hosanna" for Him, acknowledging Him as the Son of David. Just as Solomon, the true son of David, was a king (1 Kings 1:28-45), Jesus, as David's descendant, is recognized as the true King.
  • Jesus said, "Now one greater than Solomon is here," referring to Himself (St. Matthew 12:42). Solomon is a type of Jesus, as seen in 1 Kings 2:19ff. Bathsheba, Solomon's mother, was seated at the right side of his throne. Similarly, Jesus, the new Solomon, has Mary as His Queen seated beside Him.
  • In Revelation 12:1-6- a significant sign appeared in Heaven. This vision was revealed to St. John, a bishop of the seven churches who was exiled to Patmos and was authorized to receive messages from Jesus, including the words, "Father, I commit my Spirit." The vision describes:
    • A woman clothed with the sun,
    • The moon under her feet,
    • A crown of twelve stars on her head,
    • She was pregnant and in the throes of childbirth, crying out in labor.
  • Again a Portent :- 
    • Here is a rephrased version of the passage in bullet points:
      • A great red dragon appeared.
      • The dragon had seven heads and ten horns.
      • It wore seven diadems on its heads.
      • Its tail swept a third of the stars from heaven and cast them to the earth.
      • The dragon positioned itself before the woman who was about to give birth, intending to devour her male child who would rule all nations with a rod of iron.
      • However, the child was snatched away and taken to God and His throne.
      • The woman fled into the wilderness, where a place prepared by God provided for her, so she could be nourished for 1,260 days.
      • The baby boy delivered in the vision is the Messiah, as described in Psalms 2:9: “You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” The woman in the vision is Mary, the mother of Jesus.
  • In this vision, we see three key figures:
    • The Serpent
    • The Woman
    • The Baby Boy
  • The Serpent represents the force of vengeance against the "Mother and Child," as indicated in Genesis 3:15: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers." The first Eve was deceived, while the second Eve, Mary, came to bring redemption. For centuries, the Serpent awaited someone who would defeat him. At the appointed time, God sent His Son, born of a woman and under the Law, to crush the head of the Serpent. Mary was chosen to bring forth the Savior, marking the defeat of the ancient adversary. Thus, the first Eve represents disobedience, while the second Eve symbolizes salvation, with both being women that is This contrasts the disobedience of the first Eve with the salvation brought by the second Eve, both of whom were women.

When the first Eve said "Yes" to sin, the second Eve—Mary—said "Yes" to salvation. Eve was deceived by Satan, while Mary received a message from the Angel Gabriel. 

Today, many people admire figures like Sarah, Hagar, Deborah, Ruth, and Esther, yet Mary, the Mother of God, is often met with opposition. Satan has always been wary of both the Woman and her Son that is Mary is particularly despised by Satan, who feared the woman and her Son. The Bible states, "All generations will call her blessed," reflecting God's pleasure in Mary. If God holds Mary in such high regard, why should we reject a Mother who is "full of grace"?            

  Rev.Fr. Sam Oommen Panackamattam

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  • 01

    Feast of Evangelist Adai, Abahai the Martyr & Mar Malke.

  • 02

    136th Commemoration of Karottuveettil Shemavoon Mar Dionysius (Kadungamangalam Church).

  • 03

    339th Feast of St. Baselios Yeldho Catholicos (Kothamangalam Cheriyapally).

  • 06

    Fourth Sunday after the feast of the Holy Cross. (Niram 4)
    Seminary Day

  • 07

    Feast of Martyrs Sargis & Bakos.

  • 12

    169th Commemoration of H. G. Cheppad Philipos Mar Dionysius IV Metropolitan (Cheppad Church).
    44th Commemoration of H. G. Yuhannon Mar Athanasios Episcopa (Bethany Ashram, Ranni-Perunadu).

  • 13

    Fifth Sunday after the feast of the Holy Cross. (Niram 5)

  • 14

    Commemoration of St. Athanasios of Alexandria.

  • 15

    Feast of St. Osyo the Ascetic.

  • 18

    Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist.

  • 20

    Sixth Sunday after the feast of the Holy Cross. (Niram 6)

  • 22

    260th Commemoration of H. H. Mar Baselios Shakralla (Kandanadu Cathedral).
    Feast of St. James the Apostle, Son of Alphaeus.

  • 24

    7th Commemoration of H. G. Zachariah Mar Theophilos Metropolitan (Thadagam Ashram, Coimbatore).

  • 27

    Seventh Sunday after the feast of the Holy Cross. (Niram 7)

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