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The background for the Book, the call of Jonah and his attempt to out disobey God. Notice that his path was a downward one, Vs :3 – He went down to Joppa…. The path of disobedience to God only lead downward. It seems evident from Vs:5 – that Jonah was only the true believer on board. As such, he had a responsibility to be a bright light for God. Jonah isn’t shining though he is sleeping while the storm is raging all around, while the heathen mariners call out to their false gods, while everyman on board needed help from the true God the only one who would have made a difference was sound asleep. When the captain of the ship locates the sleeping Prophet, he asks the first of a series of question that Jonah had to face.

 The condition of our world are no different from those on board that ship. The world is engulfed in a great storm, people are perishing and looking for answer to life’s question. They are looking for someone to point the way. All the while, the Church and Church people are in sound asleep. These sailors gave Jonah some question.

Let’s  consider these questions, Jonah faced and see that these are question we face as believers also.

They questioned his Pre Occupation .

Jonah was so caught up in his rebellion against God and in going his own way that he was totally oblivious to the conditions around him  

( The modern church – We sleep while the world around us fights for its very life ) – The  captain came and rebuked the Prophet for his prayerlessness (  The tragedy of a sleeping church in a dying world )– Ezekiel :3:18 . ( The shame of the world’s rebuke )

  • The world may not say it, or act like it, but they want a living, Praying and Serving church (to who they come to when trouble comes ) It’s  time to wake up – Romans  :13:11-14
  • They questioned his Profession.

It must have been embracing for Jonah to declare himself to be a man of God ( It is hard to stand when you have blown your testimony )

As Christians, we must never allow ourselves to forget who we are and what we have been called to be ( The Great Commission :- St. Mt:28:18-20, Acts :1:8 )

Christians , What is your Occupation.?

Are you on the job for Jesus.

They questioned his Pedigree .

Jonah is asked about his origin, there is a three fold.?

Where do you come from – 

How can a running disobedient man say that  he is God’s man from God’s country.? He can’t .

 Our disobedience and sin clouds our testimony and causes our lips to be silent.

What is your Country –

Jonah was from the promised land. But he, didn’t live like a worshipper of God - We are literally from heaven – St. Jn :3:3, Phil:3:20. However, Sin and slackness make it difficult for a lost world to believe us.

And of what people are You ?

Jonah was one of the chosen people of God – The  Church is the redeemed people of God – But remember, our activity ought to match our blood line.-  The world has every right to question our reality when we do not live up to it.

They questioned his Purpose :-

“ What is this that you have done” –

They seem amazed that anyone would act to foolishly and claim to know God at the same time. In truth, the world would prefer that we left them alone. There will come a day, however, when they will point an accusing finger at us and demand to know ‘ Why we slept while they perished ‘.

We need to take the Lord’s work very seriously for a day is coming when we will not be able to work : St. Jn :9:4.

We all ought to question our purpose. Why am I here ? What am I doing for God ? What do God want me to do ? Why do I do what I do ? All are powerful questions that demand and deserve to be answered.

They questioned his Punishment :

“ What shall we do to you…….”

The answer they receive is the only one that make sense – 

Cast away the disobedient Saint “

This is the modern world reaction to the Church. This is our punishment, they simply ignore us, they cast us off.  ( The modern world is asking “ Where does the Church fit in “) This was not how, during the life time of Christ  ( St. Mk :2:12,                 St . 7:46, St. Mt :9:33 ) They might have not liked Him, but no one was able to ignore Him .

The Reason questioned –

Everywhere Jesus went, He touched those around Him, His life, was a challenge to the sinner, a light to the seeker, food to the hungry, forgiveness to the guilty and life to the dead. Jesus made a difference.

Jonah’s responsibility to Nineveh and to the men on that ship. It is our responsibility to the world around us today.

We can either be like Jonah or like Jesus, we know who we are called to be like, but who are we really  - closer this hour.

        Rev.Fr. Sam Oommen Panackamattam

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  • 02

    First Sunday of Great Lent (Kothine Sunday). (Pethurtho of the Great Lent). (Niram 1).

  • 03

    First Monday of the Great Lent. (Shubkono).

  • 08

    Commemoration of Mar Ephrem Malpan & Mar Theodoros the Martyr. (First Saturday of the Great Lent). (Niram 8)

  • 09

    Second Sunday of Great Lent (Garbo/Leper's Sunday). (Niram 2).  Memory of Forty Martyrs of Sebastia.

  • 09

    134th Commemoration of Ambattu Geevarghese Mar Coorilos Metropolitan. (Angamaly Cheriyapally).

  • 16

    Third Sunday of Great Lent (Palsy Sunday). (Niram 3)

  • 18

    63rd Commemoration of H. G. Paulose Mar Severios Metropolitan, Mulayirickal. (Kunnamkulam Arthat Puthen Pally)

  • 19

    95th Commemoration of H. G. Sleeba Mar Osthathios Metropolitan. (Kunnamkulam Arthat Puthen Pally).

  • 21

    140th Commemoration of Konattu Geevarghese Mar Julius Metropolitan. (Pampakuda Valiyapally).

  • 23

    Fourth Sunday of Great Lent (Canaanite woman). (Niram 4)

  • 25

    Annunciation to St. Mary, Vachanippu (Suboro). (Niram 4)

  • 25

    297th Commemoration of Marthoma IV. (Kandanadu Cathedral).

  • 26

    Mid Lent. (Niram 8). Commemoration of King Abgar of Uraha.

  • 30

    Fifth Sunday of Great Lent (Kphiphtho/Crippled woman). (Niram 5)

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